In Lightbot, players program a robot using icons.
But... does that mean players are learning 'real' programming?*
*Spoiler: Yes
Programming, or Coding, is simply the way people tell a computer what to do using instructions that the computer understands.
Let's explore what this means by looking at the commands used in Lightbot. Imagine Lightbot understood words instead of icons. The new 'language' could look like the following:
Now, we can translate the programs in Lightbot into our new language.
ExampleThe instructions are the same, just now we're using words instead of icons.
As long as both the player and Lightbot understand what each word means, we can write any program in Lightbot with words.
Using the language provided at the top of the page, fill in the ?'s
* Make sure to include the () at the end of each line!
What about the following?
Using the language provided at the top of the page, fill in the ???'s
* Make sure to include a () at the end of each line!
This word language isn't really all that different, is it?
How about procedures? Let's give them a language 'specification' too.
The only new thing is that we'll have to write procedure code in a proc: section.
ExampleNow, you can write the equivalent of any program in Lightbot with words!
Using the language provided, fill in the ?'s
* There are multiple lines for each ?
** Make sure to include a () at the end of each line!
Let's look at our definition again:
Programming, or Coding, is simply the way people tell a computer what to do using instructions that the computer understands.
Whether the instructions are icons or words, you are actually programming when you are playing Lightbot!
If you like, you can now translate any of the icon programs created in Lightbot to this word language.
You can now go on and learn another programming language that can tell a computer to do other, more complex and cool things. You can apply the knowledge of what programming is and how things like Commands, Procedures and Loops work.
A great beginner language to try next is Javascript!